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Testing for radon is easy. Click for instructions, test kits, radon mitigation grants and more.

Radon is killing more than 3,000 Canadians per year from lung cancer. Join the 100 Radon Test Kit Challenge to access free radon test kits for your citizens.
Our Latest News
Health Canada warns about the danger of RADON in a postcard distribution campaign.
Health Canada’s National Radon Program distributed postcards this fall and winter to Canadian households to raise awareness about the risks of radon and to encourage people to undertake home radon testing. The postcards were sent to homes in regions of the country that […]
Municipal Webinar
In the fall of 2023 our team hosted a webinar for Municipalities in Alberta on the basics of radon and what actions municipalities can take. You can find this webinar online here.
Recent surveys of municipalities has […]
New Report Offers Guidance on Radon Testing Devices Safeguarding Canadians Against Lung Cancer
As Canadians brace for the cold weather, November takes center stage as Radon Action Month with the release of a report by the Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program (C-NRPP). The report offers recommendations to evaluate indoor air quality and safeguard Canadians against lung cancer from radon exposure.