What’s happening in Saskatchewan

Radon concentrations differ from house to house and region to region, but every region in Canada has some homes with high levels.

Based on Health Canada’s 2012 Cross-Canada Survey of Radon Concentrations in Homes, 16% of homes in Saskatchewan measured above the radon guideline of 200 becquerels per cubic metre (200 Bq/m3). However, in certain regions up to 26% of homes were above the guideline level.

Subsequent testing in communities has found regions with over 60% of homes testing above the guideline level.

Remember: no matter what percentage of homes in a region test above the guideline level, it’s impossible to know what the radon level will be in any given home until it is tested.  Every home needs to test! 

Scroll down to find a Radon Test Kit Provider in the province of Saskatchewan.

HC 2012 Survey Results Image SK

Saskatchewan Results from Health Canada Survey - 2012

Radon Maps

Abby S, (Regina, SK)  knows that taking action on radon is an important step to feeling at peace in your home.  “I’m so glad we did a test to see our radon levels and then had radon mitigation done. It’s given us peace of mind.”

Abby S, (Regina, SK)

Cynthia N. (Regina, SK), who’s mother suffered from COPD, heard about radon from the lung association when she purchased her home. She wasted no time testing her home, and then mitigating when levels were found to be high.  Her message to Canadians? “Get it TESTED!  Your health is worth it!”

Cynthia N. (Regina, SK)

Diane G. (Regina, SK) found out about radon through the Suzuki Foundation. She was convinced to test when she found out that Saskatchewan and Regina in particular had highest radon levels in the country.  “Get your house tested!”

Diane G. (Regina, SK)

100 Radon Test Kit Challenge Reports

Find a Radon Test Kit from a company that works in Saskatchewan:

Lung Sask

Lung Sask
Saskatchewan – Organization Shipping Across Canada
Tel: (306) 343-9511
Email: radon@lungsask.ca
Return Postage: Included
Lab Fees: Included
Order Online


The Evict Radon National Study
Organization Shipping Across Canada
Tel: 1-639.477.0193
Email: info@evictradon.org
Return Postage: Included
Lab Fees: Included
Telephone Orders Accepted
Order Online

What’s happening in Saskatchewan

  • Lung Saskatchewan is working to promote radon awareness in Saskatchewan through their collaborative group, Take Action on Radon Saskatchewan.  If you are interested in joining the SK Coalition, you can email: effie.kosmas@lungsask.ca

  • The Saskatchewan government has announced a renovation tax credit which includes radon mitigation.  This is ground breaking announcement as the first tax credit in Canada which covers radon mitigation.

    You can find details about the Info-Bulletin-Home-Renovation-Tax-Credit or on Lung Saskatchewan’s webpage.

Do you know of radon initiatives or events happening in Saskatchewan? Is your municipality doing something related to radon?  Share your event!

Check out other provinces

Radon in the news

Organizational Stakeholders in Saskatchewan

Lung Sask

Lung Sask

Lung Sask provides education and awareness to Saskatchewan residents about radon and the health risks associated with long-term exposure. In addition, Lung Sask sells long-term radon test kits, which are recommended by Health Canada. Test kit cost includes laboratory analysis and two-way shipping.

Radiation Safety Institute of Canada

The Radiation Safety Institute of Canada was founded as an independent, non-partisan, non-governmental body to promote safety in relation to radiation exposure in the workplace and in homes, schools and the environment. Its founding was a direct, independent response to the human disaster in the Elliot Lake uranium mines, where healthy miners had been exposed to excessive amounts of a common radioactive gas (called radon) in the underground mining environment.