In the fall of 2023 our team hosted a webinar for Municipalities in Alberta on the basics of radon and what actions municipalities can take.  You can find this webinar online here.

Recent surveys of municipalities has shown that they have heard of radon, but they don’t know what resources are available to them.

This information session was developed to help answer common question that Municipal leaders have about radon.


  • What is radon and is it an issue in my area?
  • What actions on radon can be done which don’t take a lot of time and money?
  • Is there a quick checklist with some easy steps that municipalities can take to help their citizens with radon?
  • Why should municipalities be concerned about radon – when it’s a health issue, which is a provincial/federal issue?

Here are some links which were shared during the session that we think you will find helpful.

Are you interested in starting a Radon Monitor Lending program? Email Jamie Happy with Alberta Lung:

Are you interested in organizing a project with your municipality for Fall 2024 and need some funding support?  If you are in the Alberta region, you can email Madison Pecoskie with Health Canada, Alberta

Do you know someone in your area who may want to become certified as a radon professional?  They can email for more information.

Presenters’ contact information: