Register NOW for the CARST Conference and SAVE!

The CARST Conference is the Canadian Radon event of the year!  With two full days of radon presentations on everything from the latest radon research, radon policy, lung cancer and radon awareness and the newest technical developments, you won’t want to miss it!

The Early Bird Deadline is coming up next Friday, February 22nd.  Register before the deadline to save $100!

This year CARST is offering pay-by-the-day pricing, as well as three different field-trip options for hands-on experience.  In need of some CE credits for your professional accreditation?  Choose from a wide variety of professional development or technical courses on the Sunday of the Conference.

Find all the details on the CARST website.

As spring approaches, many Canadians will be receiving the results of their long-term radon tests.  Those who discover that the radon levels in their home are higher than the Canadian Guideline level of 200 Bq/m3 will be wondering what to do next.

As radon stakeholders, be sure to encourage them to take the next step and mitigate their homes.  As added incentive, they’ll be eligible to enter to win $1000 off the cost of that mitigation through the Radon Reduction Sweepstakes!  Check out all the rules and details on our website.

The Radiation Protection Bureau is updating our website and we need the help of our stakeholders and  industry to design a user-friendly website. To ensure that our content is organized in a way that makes the most sense to you, our audience, we will be conducting a card sorting exercise.

Participation can be done from the comfort of your desk and will help develop a website that is easy for you to navigate!
To participate in the card sorting exercise please follow the link below.
